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Enya's 50th Birthday Celebration, “Paint the Sky with Stars” (200° post)

Enya_PTSWS_promoCome vi avevamo accennato qui per la celebrazione del prossimo compleanno di Enya è stato indetto un progetto per il quale stamane è stato svelato in cosa consisterà. Ispirato al promo di Paint the Sky with Stars, il concept consisterà nel decorare una stella per Enya. Per partecipare occorrerà registrarsi – ciò sarà possibile da domani – ed una volta eseguita la registrazione riceverete una email contente il template con la stella da decorare. Il premio in palio sarà proprio l’edizione promozionale del greatest hits del 1997 noto come Paint the Sky with Stars UK Paint Tin.

Eccovi il messaggio completo postato stamane dal moderatore:
Do you own one?
How did you get it?
Isn't it one of the most awesome promo items ever made?
Our project for Enya's Birthday this year is inspired by this wonderful artifact except it's our turn to paint the sky with stars for Enya!
The concept is simple, decorate a star in honour of Enya's Birthday.
I'll post the guidelines in a separate thread, but this topic can be used for any questions. I am sure we can all help each other here with questions and answers - we've been through the Christmas Card project enough to know what to do.
Once you register you will receive an email containing a Star Template. You use this star to create your own.
Any questions? Ask away!
Registration Email address and details will go online tomorrow.
Qui di seguito trovate le prime indicazioni su ciò che potrà essere utilizzato e non:
This is a summary of what can and cannot be used on your star:
Some ideas for your creative side:
• Photos (landscapes, still life, nature). Photos of yourself are not really appropriate.
• Pencil drawing
• Painting
• Other art (crayons, chalks, etc)
• Self-adhesive pre-made decorations (eg those you might use in scrapbooking or card making - you can usually buy things like this from most craft stores, stationers or department stores.) You can buy some really beautiful things for not a lot of money like stick on pearls, gems, felt trims etc
• Fabric
• Buttons, sequins (glued)
• Embroidery, cross-stitch
• Coloured cardboard
• Collage effects
• Decorative patterned wrapping paper
• Beads
Items not permitted:
• items from nature, leaves, twigs, sand, seeds, dried flowers, feathers etc
• scented items
Ulteriori dettagli verranno probabilmente comunicati  domani quando si darà il via alla registrazione per partecipare a questa competition.

Fonte: Unity

AGGIORNAMENTO 07/03/2011 – Sono aperte le iscrizioni per partecipare al Paint the Stars with Sky Project. Qui di seguito trovate tutte le info necessarie:
We are now accepting registrations for our "Paint The Sky With Stars" Project.

Please email your name, address and Unity name to:

Once I have checked your email, I will email you back with address details of where to post your star and a PDF attachment containing the star template. (Please be patient - you won't get a reponse in 30 seconds!)

I also have a JPG of the graphic if anyone would like to use - if you require this, please request in your email. Using the JPG may require resizing when printing but would be useful for those creating digital art. I also have a super-size graphic if you think you need it but this would also need to be resized to the standard size when printed.

The star itself is a gold colour, so you can just print and use it as it is if you wish.

The star is about 15 cm x 15 cm - slight variation in size due to printer differences etc is perfectly acceptable.

Fonte: Unity

AGGIORNAMENTO 27/03/2011 – Il termine ultimo per iscriversi è fissato al 31 marzo.

Fonte: Unity


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